Martin Rathie 目前就职于老挝万象学院,上世纪九十年代初在昆士兰大学攻读本科学位时师从著名的老挝问题学者Martin Stuart-Fox,从此开始了对老挝的研究。九十年代中期开始在老挝做田野调查,穿梭于泰东北、柬埔寨地区。2005年起,永久在老挝生活和工作,后担任凯山博物馆、苏发努冯纪念堂和老挝通讯社顾问。曾赴法、柬从事史料研究,对巴特寮和红色高棉的关系研究颇深。主要研究兴趣包括大陆东南亚的革命关系、在老越南顾问问题、老挝军事史和在柬旅居者、老挝各省地方史等。发表论文多篇,著有Historical Dictionary of Laos(第四版,合著)等。
This seminar will explore beyond the logistical networks linking revolutionary forces inside Laos as it seeks to demonstrate the nationwide character of the Pathet Lao in the struggle against French rule. This is based on the presenter's investigation of events and figures at the provincial and transnational levels. Through this process it will be demonstrated that the various base areas scattered through Laos evolved in a differentiated manner based on their interactions with neighbouring progressive forces.
会议时间1:2021/11/4 11:00-11:30。会议 ID:715 3347 7066
会议时间2:2021/11/4 11:30-12:00。会议 ID:757 6850 7261
会议时间3:2021/11/4 12:00-12:30。会议 ID:755 6557 3332