世界近现代史文献研读(上)课程简介 Readings of Documents of Modern World History Course Introduction
课程编码 Course Number :HS221
课程名称(中文)Course Title (Chinese): 世界近现代史文献研读(上)
课程名称(英文)Course Title (English) : Readings of Documents of Modern World History
课程学分数/学时数 Credit/Class Hour:2Credits /36总学时备注 2学分/36学
开课单位 School (Department): 历史学系
面向专业 Target Students:历史学History
课程类别(公共必修课、公共选修课、专业必修课、专业选修课)Course Type:专选
授课学期 Semester:秋季学期
授课语言 Language:双语
课程负责人 Course Lecturer:周立红
授课教师(含理论、实验实践教学)Contact Info:周立红
计划的课堂班级规模 Class Size:60
授课方式/课内学时数 Delivery Method /Credit Hours
讲授 Lectures:24
习题/辅导/讨论 Tutorials:12
实验实践(Lab and Practical):0
其它(如复习、考试安排)Revision & Exam/Other :0
总学时 Total :36
课程内容简介(中文) Introduction to the Course (Chinese)
课程内容简介(英文) Introduction to the Course (English)
Reading of Documents of Modern World History, a required course for undergraduate students majored in History, is a supporting course for Modern World History. As a student in a research oriented undergraduate History program, one needs to take practice of reading literature and classic papers in foreign languages (mainly in English) while learning basics of Modern World History to improve his ability to find and understand history materials in foreign languages and prepare himself for working in modern world history studies or related fields.
Currently, literature used in this course, all in English, is from internet, original English textbooks, and academic publications. Topic classification of this course is the same as that of Modern World History, and there will be readings on original literature for 16 times and on academic publications for two times. During literature reading, one paragraph of 500-700 words will be read on each topic and practice of translation will be required which will be 40% of the final grade. Literature reading will cover the following topics: the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, the Age of Discovery, the Civil War in Britain, the Absolutism of France, the Enlightenment, the American Revolution, the Revolution of France, the Industrial Revolution in Britain, the American Civil War, the Unification of Germany, the Unification of Italy, European Developments and International Relations in late 19 century. Reading of academic publications will be mainly on classical writings including Annales School, Modernization Theory, Globalization Theory, and New Cultural History, etc